Reward Using Discount Code Generation API
Integration Effort: High
Requirements: The eCommerce system must have discount code related API endpoints. The API endpoints must at least able to generate new discount code and ideally support creation of discount rules.
After integration is completed, here are the steps to setup a Reward:
- Create the Reward in Eber Admin.
- Set the Reward for selected eCommerce system.
- Option to create new discount rule.
- Select a discount rule for this Reward.
Claiming and using the Reward:
- A member claim the Reward.
- Eber call the eCommerce API endpoint to create a new discount code with the selected discount rule.
- Discount code created in the eCommerce system and is returned to Eber. Eber saves the code and display it to member.
- Discount code applied at checkout. Validation is done by eCommerce system since this discount code exist in the eCommerce system and rules are set in the eCommerce system.

Integration Details:
Outlines below are integrations needed for settings and Reward claiming.
1. Discount Rule Management Page
A link to a hosted page in the Reward settings page. So that administrator can manage discount rules.
This integration is optional. If it's done, it provide a seamless experience for administrator to create new discount rules. Such as a $5 discount for product category A.
However it can also be a simple link to redirect the administrator to the discount rule management page on the eCommerce admin portal.
2. Selecting Discount Rules Name or ID
During Reward setup, administrator need to select which discount rule name or ID is to be used when calling the eCommerce API endpoint to generate a new discount code.
Option 2a:
An API endpoint to pull the list of reward rules, so that it can be selected.
Option 2b:
Administrator copy and paste the discount rule name or ID into a text field.
Either option, the discount rule name or ID is saved and to be used in during Reward claim.
3. Reward Claim
When the Reward is claimed. Using the saved discount rule name or ID, Eber will call the eCommerce system discount code generation API endpoint. A new discount code is created in the eCommerce system and returned to Eber. Eber saves the code and display it to member.

Updated over 3 years ago