New Purchase / Issue Points
This is normally the minimum requirement for a PoS integration. PoS to send over the purchase (receipt) information together with a member identifier once a transaction is finalised.
Purchase (receipt) information includes
- Receipt / Transaction Number
- Total Amount
- Purchase Items
Member Identifier can be
- Member Mobile Number
- Member QR Code (Shown on Member Web App, which PoS can scan the QR code)
- Member Email (Not recommend for PoS)
- Custom Member ID/Number (Some merchant generate and maintain their own list of member number)
We need just one of the above to be sent and PoS system can decide to support one or more of it. We recommend to support both Mobile Number and QR code.
Take note, to use Send Purchase, there is NOT a pre-requirement that PoS have to confirm the customer is a member or not. PoS can always send info to Eber as long as there is a Member Identifier (For example Mobile Number) given. Merchant will be able to configure on Eber what to do if a new mobile number is sent over with a transaction. Most of the time, merchant will configure to accept the transaction and create a new member account and send a welcome transaction message.
Send New Purchase integration is fairly simple and required a minimum UI modification. Only an entry field of Member Identifier is needed.

custom_store_code is what you using in your PoS system to refer an outlet.
custom_staff_id is what you using in your PoS system to refer a staff
Marchant can map custom_store_code to their store (Outlet) setup in Eber. So that they can see which store the transaction taken place.
API Respond:
"status": true,
"transaction_id": 1,
"print": {
"default": "Member ID: 2354\r\nPoints Earned: 558"
print field returned is text content for PoS to print member information on the receipt.
Coming soon: Merchant can be the printed text in Eber Admin Portal.
Updated over 3 years ago