Get User Info - Customer Web View
Using this function, you can retrieve an URL that contain a full snapshot of the member information. Which you can simply display this URL content within your App / software using browser, iFrame or Webview.
There is a big advantage doing this. You do not need to build function to load member data from Eber and customise the UI to display them. Which could taking a lot of development effort to build and do not keep up to new changes (For example, extra member profile field).
To retrieve this member URL, call this endpoint with using member's Mobile Number, Member QR or other available identifier.
Note: phone_code is send using ISO 2 Char code. A full list is available here:
In the customer_view_url field like
This is a single use URL, please retrieve again if you need to reload.
Example of the Member Snapshot Content:

Updated over 3 years ago